Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The Games Adults Play: Part TWO

This is the Would You or Have You Ever part of the game.

**Hurt yourself? Not intentionally.
*Been out of the country? Umm ...Of course!
*Eaten something that made other people sick? I'm sure I have.
*Had a medical emergency? Yep. Allergies sent me to the emergency room so they could open my throat and stop the I have EPIPEN :(
*Had a surgery? No
*Played strip poker? No...IS it good?
*Gotten beaten up? No.
*Beaten someone up? Yes but I was eight, and this boy (about 10 yrs old) hit my brother who was four at the time and made him cry, so me and my twin ran him down and held him so my brother could knock him a few...but I swear if you would have seen my brother cry you would have done it too! (don't you judge me! :)

*Been picked on? Yup...when I was younger till I learned from my older sis how to get my own back....
*Been on stage? Yup for a Spanish skit..De esta manera bilamos a la disco asi asi, asi asi HEY!

*Been so drunk that you know you're supposed to go out on a date with someone, but you can't remember with who or when and that you faint when you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning, not to mention your breath? Um, no. Who does that?

*Slept outdoors? Yes. For the President's Award Program. I liked it ....

*Pulled an all-nighter? Yes.
*Gone one day without food? Yes.
*Talked on the phone all night? Yup, and you know what? It didn't seem as if it was all night! It was great!

*Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex? GEEZ....

*Slept all day? Pretty close. I've been some kind of exhausted in the past.
*Made out with a stranger? EW ....Wait ...No. No I haven't.
*Had sex with a stranger? Ok ew and NO!

*Thought you're going crazy? Yes some bad things have gone down before....
*Been betrayed? Yes. :(
*Had a dream that came true? Yes! It's really freaky...
*Have you ever killed an animal by accident? Umm...I have killed bugs but on pupose...I don"t think I could kill another type of animal and not cry..because animals cry just like people....I've heard em. I heard pigs squeal in pain, and chicken just go crazy....(umm I'm still gonna eat meat though)

*Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? Not if I swore no.....

*Been on radio/tv? If I have its been by accident
*Been in a mosh-pit? No...Is it fun?
*Had a nervous breakdown? No
*Had a dream that kept coming back? Yes till I wrote it down. Then it went away....

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