Friday, October 28, 2005

Adventures in Babysitting

Janice and I went to Babysit for a friend of ours last night. The kids are N. (the oldest), P. (the middle), and D. (the youngest).
I had a blast.
The girls had their dinner and we had instructions as to when they could have a snack watch tv, read a book, take medicine, pray and go to sleep.
I asked the youngest if she was going to have a snack after dinner...she nodded no, and all of us went to watch cartoons....
Remember Little Audrey from the 1940s and 1950s who fell asleep all the time and had nightmares that turned out real in the end, and the cartoon always ended with her laughing up a storm?

Well we watched Little I laughed and laughed... you really appreciate cartoons when you are older! :)

The girls did skits from That's So Raven! They had all the lines and the accents down pat!

When it was time almost time for them to go read, the youngest D, went and finally got her snack and ate it SLOWLY so she could spend more time out watching the television...How do I know this? I asked and she said yes that was what she was doing...
I laughed...Kids are the best!

Hugs M

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bet the girls had a great time also!! Ana

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