Friday, February 24, 2006

Ashes Remain

Rafael is really so insightful. I think people take him for granted because he is so friendly.

I always think that people who choose carefully what they say (as opposed to people who just lie) and are just friendly to all..keeping things on an even keel, have the most going on in their heads, and those are the people I most like to talk to.

Raphael is one of those, though I never see him often enough and when I do, there are always so many other people trying to get his attention too!
The great thing is that when he does take a break and talks, he always has something great to say.

Like remembering old hurts etc. His insightful and sensitive take on the whole thing is that TIME heals only some things, and he said this in Spanish but I will write it in English.
Where there was once fire, the ashes still remain. great. I know some wonderful people.....
Hugs M

1 comment:

Panner said...

Beautiful post..........

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