Thursday, February 02, 2006

Anderson Cooper

I never mention who I really like because I don't want people to think my taste is one track but one of the people I really like a lot is Anderson Cooper. He is a great journalist. He cares about people a lot and ending poverty and sickness all over the world. I love his blog too! It's really down to earth and he loves Washington D.C . Which I love too! I really want to meet this guy one day. Plus I think he is Hot!

I rarely say stuff like that but the combination of this guy's, brains, kind spirit, looks, talent, everything makes him....Lovely!
You know how some guys just remain in the cute status then that fades because there is nothing to back it up..... (their personality kinda sucks but you don't really say anything because it's a hassle).

Well everytime I see Anderson on TV, he seems more and more alluring. Maybe I will write him a letter. I have written some of my favorite celebs letters and emails and have received great replies all the time. So he will be next on my list. I am thinking that he will be very interesting and probably (from how he writes on his blog) a lot of fun to talk to. He must have scads of great stories because he is the son of Wyatt Emory Cooper artist, designer, writer, and railroad heiress Gloria Vanderbilt
Check out what he says in one of his blogs....

......It's always kind of surreal coming to Washington, D.C., for major events like this. It's such a completely different atmosphere than anywhere else....Oops I gotta move. A bomb-sniffing dog needs to sniff my desk. I will blog more later.

So cool, so smart, so fun and so deep. His dad died at the age of 50 after a bout of heart attacks and then his brother committed suicide. HE had this to say about the loss and how it affected his decision to become a journalist.

"Loss is a theme that I think a lot about, and it’s something in my work that I dwell on. I think when you experience any kind of loss, especially the kind I did, you have questions about survival: Why do some people thrive in situations that others can’t tolerate? Would I be able to survive and get on in the world on my own?"

You know how when you are affected by some kind of pain and so you put yourself in situations (knowingly or not) that help you to re-live and work through them in different ways so you don't necessarily have to face YOUR particular pain head on....Well There you go
...I know I will meet him one day soon...I really want to!
Hugs M


Panner said...

I hope you do get to meet him!

Anonymous said...

I bet I will!

Anonymous said...

Cute but too bad he is gay.

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