Monday, February 25, 2008

Umm - Hairy

This morning early I was walking from the parking garage and I saw a guy in a dark blue ( I think) car just sitting there as I walked in his direction.
He was facing me and pulled a deep draught of his cigarette.
I saw the red of the burn the fire makes with the tobacco and the paper.
I could tell as I walked closer and closer toward the car that this couldn't be good at all. It was better for me to walk in his direction though than to walk back to the garage and have him follow me there.

I had my keys in my hand and was ready...for what I don't know, but it's time to walk with my pepper spray in hand again.
As I walked by he said something unintelligible, but he moved his car so he could get closer to say it...
All I heard was "Dunno what will do to you tomorrow"

I think I will park somewhere else tomorrow and in future

The guy's face was long and drawn (all his features were long and drawn), long face, long nose, and he had a camouflage cap on. He had a dark jacket on but I think he had a grey sweatshirt hoodie underneath because you know when they zip the jacket all the way up sometimes the hoodie part bunches up round the neck.

I made sure to look at him briefly, so I could describe him. That's all I really needed to know....
I am thinking I should let someone know there is a weirdo lurking at the parking garage but maybe later....

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