I'd seen it before when I was younger, but never got into it for a few reasons
1. They did say that the girls were pretty and I never thought they were, as a result I couldn't believe anything else
2. I had no time for dark brooding men who said mean things, and you were supposed to understand that there is a deep inner life inside them, full of hurt and pain. Mean is mean- get over yourself and join the human race.
Everybody's got pain, not everybody has to turn it into rude meanness
3. I couldn't abide their clothes
4. Mr. Bingley's sisters were hideous

5. I was a serious teenager. I just couldn't get into them fannying about, giggling and waiting round for husbands who had 5000 or 10,000 pounds a year. It was all they talked about.
6. Then there were a lot of military men in this plot. Talking about love and wooing girls. Everyone knows that military men are whores.
Making themselves 'known' in every port, and every harbor at the four corners of the earth. It's true even today. Most women I know would never trust a military man in that way.

So where does that leave me now.
Well I love Colin Firth as an actor so I watched again. With new eyes this time.
I really like Crispin Bonham-Carter in this movie. His pretty, kind and welcoming eyes draw you into his character, of the trusting and kindly Mr. Bingley. Very sweet.

Adorable really.
Great choice of actors in this movie.
All the mean spirited, smarmy, or disagreeable characters have very sharp features, noses, eyebrows, thin pursed lips, never smiling unless they felt they'd one-upped someone else. Like Mr. Wickham. Charming and made friends easily. Not so easy to keep the friends when they sense his inner nastiness...
Great choices.
Innocent, artless characters had fresh faced, big eyed awareness.
The costuming was brilliant and the scenery.
Ok I love it. I still can't get into giving one's self over to a man who starts off as a very disagreeable person.
Snide and critical (sorry Colin I know the character develops into something more but that rarely happens in real life).
Oh sure one can be 'friends' or friendly at least, and muck about as much as one wants, but never ever consider the possibility of anything more than that. That's what I think anyway.
Anyway lovely movie.
See this version (not that awful pile of who-ha starring Kiera Knightly).