Monday, April 23, 2012


This show is so funny- Guy Code

It gives guys tips about how to navigate life and how to deal with each other
Like if you are the wingman BE THE WINGMAN.

Your BOY is everything and you are his PA
Be able to put out the Trish Fire (Trish is the girl who wants to go home while your boy is trying to mac on her friend)

Know the head signals of yes to approach a girl or no DO NOT!

Also Nicknames. IF you do something Hilarious (like flee the scene) hat will be your nickname so BE CAREFUL what you do around the boys

All guys want to have a great nickname but it's not always possible

One of the best ones was when you guys head to the beach no guy is allowed to apply sunblock to his friend (even if he had no arms- they can't do it)
I laugh so much at it

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