Sunday, July 01, 2012


I really like when couples touch. But it can be either
 Like Touch Speech.
I was watching this couple on Dick Cavett (It's John Lennon and Yoko Ono, but it could have been anybody. I always look for it).  Of course you can tell if it's not genuine. Something like that is very difficult to fake since it's not really driven by a totally conscious awareness of what you're doing
I just really like when people who are supposed to be with each other, are sort of drawn unconsciously or even consiously to touching
Being aware of each other's presence and wanting that contact
It's very warm and inspriring
I watched the whole hour and 7 minutes of them talking

At first they were nervous and diddn't touch at all. As they got more comfortable, they just naturally  started to hold onto hands.
But it was more than the hand holding
It was nearness, closeness, warmth, whisper of caring


Leaning, learning, all sorts of things

I could care less what they were taking about

I was just watching to see if they had that THING
Usually I lose interest in these things and situations if there's no connection to be found or if I think it's not even possible.
The touch speech gives an indication of how the future friendship is more than likely to go. I dislike crudeness in relationships or friendships with a passion
If the slightest real conncetion can be made, then there is room for kindness and hope and love etc.
Just FYI  - while I liked these guys (the Beatles), George as a person was kinda my favorite. He was the right  balance of all the personalities. Seemed just so genuine and true and good.

I don't want to put him on a pedestal but it seems to me, he could be true to himself and kind to others at the same time.  I know a few people like that. Very lovely. Kind, not flip, not base, not crude, not self seeking...
You know sometimes people think in order to be unique they have to also be uncaring to others (no bueno)
George just seemed really thoughtful and reflective and staid. I really am impressed by people who have a good balanace.

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