Friday, June 19, 2009


So when you're taking out the trash or going to the laundry a few buildings away, or walking round the neighborhood for exercise or just going to get your mail, and they say hello and you say hello back and they smile and just stand there, and you nod, and they look like they are gonna say something else, but then your mind goes back to what it was you were doing and you walk the heck off

That's wrong right?
You're supposed to let them talk some more and and talk back and not walk away (unless they are really weird or unattractive) and all this?
Guess I am gonna have to try it maybe..
Except I want to do what I want to do which is
get my mail
Do my laundry
Take out the trash
Go back into the apartment and chill.
But its the Year of Yes. RUNAWAY

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