Monday, May 01, 2006


Friday was so much fun...
Man I feel weird thinking about it. It was a little bit overwhelming hahahha
First Jan and Steve came over so check the food blog to see what they ate! :)...Then we went to the game.
They were ganging up on me though :( Taking weird pics of me at all angles and laughing about it. I got a great video of them and when I figure out how to post videos I will get it in there...The sound is great!
I didn't get pics with the baseball players but I did discover that there is a Marsh and a my next goal will be to get all three of us in a pic together! I love it.
I think people were looking at us the whole time because were were taking so many pictures and having other people take pics too!
There was a huge couple to the left of us and the guy kept looking at Janice....That was hilarious because it was making her weirded out! :)
After the game we went over to Jan's to see walk the line....I fell asleep but could hear the music, then they both tried again to get a pic of me in a weird sleep position...Not gonna happen people! Not on my watch.
Hugs M

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