This was really nice.
Some guy named Nathaniel had a party and ev

eryone wore white. T
hey had a Jazz Band play and the lead
Dayve Stewart gave me his card. He was really very good and his site is excellent (if you ike good jazz).
The funny thing was, that I took a pic with him with my camera and he

wanted one of us with his camera (which I really usually don't allow but his camera took gre

at pics), but some girl was standing there almost snarling and she said something to the effect that Dayve was taken which didn't matter to me at all because I wasn't interetsed in him.
So I asked him excitedly "Is this your girlfriend?"
He didn't say anything he just looked at the pic we had taken together. The girl chimed in kinda angrily, "No we are just friends."
I felt that that was a weird exchange but whatever.....
Anyway we met this girl there who had this great

dress on and so we took a pic with her. Everybody thought she was really pretty.
Then we met this guy and his friend who was a woman and wore her clothes like she was a man. I asked her why she dressed that way and she said that that was her lifestyle. I think they wanted to hang out for a little bit but I don't th

ink it would have been fun especially since that girl who dressed like a guy came up and tickled Janice. I had to get a pic with them for fun :). They are barbers.
The white party music was so good I danced a little and enjoyed the music.

The guests danced together and since most of them were in sororities and frats together they all knew the same dances etc, it was great!
Davye, the jazz man, made fun

of Nathaniel's shoes almost the whole time on stage and in songs that he sang..I laughed and laughed.
Eric the bartender

was sweet as usual and fun to talk too :)
He made Janice's drink the way she liked...with extra cherries!

That was really a fun time