Even though I don't remember high school as being the best time because of the amount of work we had to do in order to get into University, I still kinda had some fun.
Just remember we were teenagers and somewhat immature.
A group of us Kim, Marsha B., Me, Abigail, and Sharlene really used to yuck it up in the library, talking about Antonio Sabato Jr., the Preferred Stock model, and Shemar Moore.
Check out the uniforms. I really liked them for the ties.
Oh yes..it was an all girl Anglican school(Bishop Anstey High). Our motto was Non Sine Pulvere Palman (Not without dust the palm. Translation : you have to work your butt off)
They felt that boys would be a distraction and stop us from being able to get to know ourselves as women etc. I tend to agree.
We did have a brother school Trinity College, but nobody really cared for doing any activities with those guys. At Christmas we were FORCED to have a Christmas mas with them and then all 700 of them would crowd into our school...
I think we all prefered guys from Queen's Royal College.
At that time I really could care less about them but they were definately better looking than the Trinity boys, and they seemed more fun.
I say 'seem' because I wasn't allowed as a rule to have guy friends at all at that age.
Those were the days (I still like Anotonio by the way, and he looks exactly the same- LOL).
Here are a couple of pics of some of us in high school. These are 17 year olds and we were having our last day hurrah before GCSE exams, which are these awful exams that help you get into University.

(Most of us had already taken SAT exams because the recruiters from Barry University, MIT and other places come down in early Spring to talk to us about doing it...so we have a back up plan. Most of us stayed in Trinidad but the real shining stars like Gillian Elcock who scored 1510 and got full scholarships to MIT went away).
Anyway GCSE are the hardest exams any of us ever took and when we got to University we couldn't believe it...The exams in University were way easier than the highschool leaving ones...UGH.
These are British exams also.
So students in England were also taking these at the same time. But still I love the British school system.
One thing though about our school. They were strict about behavior etc.
We couldn't eat and walk down the street in our uniforms, we had to go straight home after school and not hang out with people from other schools down town in our uniforms.
Parents would call the principal and tell on us if they saw us hanging out downtown in uniform.
We weren't allowed to change clothes either after school to go downtown. That would just be asking for trouble they said.
We definately were not supposed to talk to Maxi taxi conductors: they were the scourge of society.
I will blog about them later.
We had rules about fraternizing with boys....which most of us didn't anyway because of our parents rules.
One girl got pregnant and couldn't come back to school because they said it would be a bad influence on us to have her around.
So I guess we learned a lesson because later on, one girl managed to hide her pregnancy under bigger shirts.
The whole school knew and nobody told the tecahers or principal. She was the head writer for the school magazine and she was really great!
We couldn't tell on her!
I liked her because she liked my stories that I wrote hahahh!
Hugs M