Ok this time was excellent. Just like the night before. The audience was more 'subdued' though..but not me. Here we are in front of the church with Dr. Lee. He is so nice and gracious!
Janice and I sat in front to get better pictures, which meant I couldn't people watch like I usually do. But whatever........
I am just going to mention my favorite songs of the night that they did.
'The Florida Song' . In the first place...I didn't know that such a song existed but it does. The Choir rendition was a smooth Jazz version, you know, like if you are at a cool piano bar listening to lyrics like "Under the sun where mighty oceans run...." How great is that!
Then they sang an African song "N'Kosi Sikeleli' Afrika". This was their first song that employed the drums..Check out members of the choir doing the drumming. You really felt as if you were on the African plains.

"The Quest Undending" is another song they did that I really like for the lyrics. For example "Though much is taken, much abides......strong wills, to seek, to find, to strive and not to yield".
Nobody should ever miss one of these concerts.
One song I really sighed at was "Mood Indigo" by Duke Ellington. It was a sultry Jazz song and the boys were swaying back and forth as they sang. Very simple lyrics like "...since my baby said goodbye, I'm so lonesome I could cry." But it took you back to a nice Jazz Bar with smoke (that doesn't smell like cigarettes), and romance in the air.

Check out the boys singing "Bridge Over Troubled Water".
Rainbow Round My Shoulder was a song sang by and about old chain gang workers who were trying to get home to the LORD one day. The boys were actually holding chains that added to the instrumentals.

Then of course one of my favorites was Betelehemu...see the guy with the tambourine? This is a spirit filled song.
Then I loved "Praise The Lord"...with lyrics like "Let every thing that has breath praise the lord. See the pics of Dr. Lee and the boys in praise to HIM.

Then one of the last songs "LOVE".....who can dislike a song with words that say "I'm so glad your love can stay...show me Jesus what love really is...."

Here is a picture of Deblin's son Terrence in the front with the youngest boys of the choir behind him.

Man oh man!...Well they sang more songs than what I listed but it would take days to go through them all. After the concert we got pictures with the soloists (a little dark with the lighting but cool still).

The concert was dedicated to one of the choir members that died ....Myren Williams. That is so sad but they did a great dedication.
The audience really liked it. Take a look at them.

There is another small concert at Kleman Plaza on Sunday at 7pm...maybe I'll check that out.
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