Gotcha feeling crazy boy, that was the plan

E.V.E still got it going on

That's why I'm going to a dance party tomorrow night (maybe)

"Get low get low then pick up pick up
Get you hands in the air it's a stick up stick up"
A collection of my experiences in Florida
Tonya Lewis Lee asked Michelle, "How do you and Barack deal with being apart for an extended period?": "We have adjusted to maintaining a really solid relationship at a distance. We talk every day, every night. If we have a moment, no matter how tired we are, we go on a date."
Source: Tonya Lewis Lee. "Michelle Obama Looks Back (And Ahead!)
Barack Obama: "... "it's [the] tension between familiarity and mystery that makes for something strong, because, even as you build a life of … mutual support, you retain some sense of surprise or wonder about the other person."
Source: Andrew Romano. "Our Model Marriage." Newsweek 2/23/2009.
Michelle: "Having that "sense of security allows you to take risks. People think that it comes from wealth or generations of access and success, but it doesn't. The security of your parents' love really gives you the foundation to think that you can fly. And then you do."
Source: Stephen M. Silverman. "Michelle Obama's Mother Leads Daughter's Fan Club." 4/07/2009.
Barack Obama: “Sometimes, when we’re lying together, I look at her and I feel dizzy with the realization that here is another distinct person from me, who has memories, origins, thoughts, feelings that are different from my own. That tension between familiarity and mystery meshes something strong between us. Even if one builds a life together based on trust, attentiveness and mutual support, I think that it’s important that a partner continues to surprise.”
Source: Ian Kerner, Ph.D. "5 Love Lessons We Can Learn From the Obamas." 3/5/2009.
Michelle Obama: “Our relationshipwas first a friendship. It took off from there.”
Source: Ian Kerner, Ph.D. "5 Love Lessons We Can Learn From the Obamas." 3/5/2009.
Andrew Romano: "... I think it's the Obamas' willingness to act in public much how they act in private—open, informal, flirtatious—that has incited most of the swooning. uch how they act in private—open, informal, flirtatious -- that has incited most of the swooning. At the Youth Ball, I noticed the president do something that's impossible to imagine any of his predecessors doing: resting his head, eyes closed, on Michelle's shoulder."
Source: Andrew Romano. "Our Model Marriage." Newsweek 2/23/2009.
Stephanie Coontz: "What the Obamas have is a jocular, playful love, a mutual respect, and on Michelle's part, a lack of awe and of adoration."
Source: Associated Press. "Obama Marriage Inspires Fascination, Imitation." 2/12/2009.