So my friend sent me a video of a woman beating up a guy (her bf) on the Promende in Trinidad.
That was really something.
It was an 8 minute video and it was really well shot. At the end of it I was thinking: "Wow this could have been in a movie."
But I digress.
It was really disturbing
The thing that got to me was that it was a series of CHAIN UPS.
to those who don't know a 'chain' up is a manipulation to incite anger and bad behavior as a result.
Trinis do it really well and I had forgotten how well.
Its a lilting, scampish tone of voice with the right combination of words meant to cause a reaction.
The reaction is received but sooner or later (most time sooner) it escalates beyond control and beyond anything that the person doing the chaining up could have imagined.
The 'chainers' usually beat a hasty retreat but the reaction continues.
I had forgotten that till I saw the video.
The guy was made because the girl was 'back wining' with some dude in the club he took her to.
He orders her out of his car after some 'chaining'.
She tells him that he better stop or she will embarrass him
He doesn't stop and she gets out of the car and whales on him all up and down the place.
Thankfully he didn't hit back but it seems to me that they'd both gone down that road before,
I couldn't stop watching.
I mean I've seen this kind of thing before but not 8 minutes of continuous feed and chaining...
Nasty business!