If I looked at it purely for entertainment...It rocked. Funny, quirky, cute, exciting, nice

If I watched it for the message...A little bit disturbing...
Michael Cera, since I first saw him on Arrested Development (with Jason Batemen), to Super Bad and other shows and interviews etc, has always been the super sweet, sensitive, lovely boy who would take care of you and be your friend forever no matter what happened. Everybody can fall in love with this type of boy. Guileless, intelligent, non game playing, communicative, there for you, every good thing, not stupidly aloof, but with a thoughtful edge to him..so he is not a total dork... :)
I was concerned that kids would see this movie and think that Michael Cera's character would be what real life was like if they went through the same thing.
I don't believe that the kids relationship is in any way realistic. I could be wrong but I doubt it.
What People also seemed to forget in the movie, that the character of Juno is still a little girl. No matter that she was pregnant and witty and cool. She was still very young and kinda oblivious. like we all are at that age even though we think we know a lot.

Which is why it shocked her to the core when Jason Bateman's character did what he did later on.
She was just being a kid, into movies and music, talking to some old dude who seemed to dig the stuff she liked.
He was just adult male gone awry-as usual.

It felt weird from the get go, but I thought I was overreacting till Juno asked if Vanessa was home and he said OUT OF THE BLUE:
"No we are safe"
I was like
WHAT THE HELL! (in my mind, in my mind)
I think my friend was blown away too...He thought they set it up so that Juno would be the one to start mess.
Remember she is a kid who made a mistake...
Other than that...cool movie
ps: who else thought that Allison Janney was great as the stepmom in this movie?!
She kept me glued apart from Ellen Page (as Juno)