The Queens of The Stone Age.

They are actually a very famous band, but I didn't know that because I don't follow the rock scene.

So I get there early and because I had researched the band I recognized the lead singer Josh Homme.

I got a pic with him. :)

WHen I got inside I was up front right by the stage. I thought That was the best place to be but I didn't realise that it meant that a mosh pit would form behind me.
I am nest to R.J in the cap and we are the first row to the stage so everybody else is pushing to get where we are.

The crowd was sick! There was a lot of pushing
Luckily some guy there decided to protect me...That was really nice of him. That is him in the cap. R.J. I was standing right next to him...

I took pics of their play lists...
The other bands were ok.
I got a drumstick from the drummer of the first band. He kinda looked like Izzy.
I really liked the Keyboardist from Queens...he was really nice.

After the show band members came up to me to tell me I did a great job up front lol!
I met the music manager for Queens and took a pic with him
He was really nice. We talked for a while because he asked me where I was from and If I had fun etc.

This other guy from the first band also came up to talk to was great!...I think I was the onlyperson who looked like me there! He is a guitarist..and looked tired :)
Ok so I had a good time but I think that that is my first and last rock concert.