When you get to a different country you have to follow some of the traditions.
So when Sean and Kayla invited us to watch footbal we had to go.
I have no clue in general what the game is about

, except for a yellow line that the TV people put in, b

ut I went anyway.
We also went to Cafe.
Eric came in to visit.
He cut his hair and looked so cool! I swaer he should OWN the bar...
Todd was super nice to

o. They were all going to miami to watch the game. They had their hotel and tickets comped too! The only thing that I thought may have put a damperon things was that it rained all weekend in Miami....I don't know if they were affected or not.
Alex was also very cool. He was

pouring the 'juice' out from the olives into little bottles and I forgot to ask him if that was for the DIRTY MARTINIS.
Joe m

ade faces...I am not going to say more..Just look at the picture.
Sean set up this huge screen in the backyard and gave us th

ese comfortable chairs. That was nice. They had a big spread of food too.
We also saw Sean's friend Jason. Who came with a dog (it was really hyper)......LOL.
I had fun and the food was great. I had a lot of broccoli salad.
Thanks Sean
Hugs M