001: Real Name-
Ummm You guys know me002. Nickname-
Bones003. Single or taken-
Single004. Zodiac sign-
Libra- scales of freedom hahah005. Male or Female-
female006. Elementary School -
Sacred Heart Girls Roman Catholic School007. Favorite Color-
purple008. How many buddies on your buddy list-
44009. Screenname -
eh?010. Hair Color -
black011. Fav. Holiday-
Christmas012. Hair Long or Short?-
long when I do it hahah014. Eye Color -
black015. Health Freak-
no, but kinda016. Height -
5'8017. Do you have a crush on someone-
no018. Do you like yourself-
YES019. Do you like meeting new people-
DEFINITELY020. Think you're awesome-
Yes because God thinks so hahah019. Piercings-
ears but it closed up022. Tattoos -
no023. Righty or Lefty -
___Your 'Firsts'___
024. Surgery-
none. Thank God025. Boyfriend/Girlfriend-
Jason Bateman from It's your move hahahahahahahah026. First best friends -
Nicole C.027. First Award -
Creative writing. I won a book called the Canturbury Tales and my story was read by Poet and Author Joy Ryan to a crowd of people when I was 11.028. First Sport You Joined -
Netball029. First pet-
fish030. First vacation-
Tobago031. First Concert -
The Eagles032. First real love -
033. Movie-
Face Off, Ethan Frome, History of Violence and tons more034. Favorite tv show -
Hell's Kitchen035. Group/singer -
Sade036. Music -
Jazz037. Number -
7038. Food -
Fried Chicken hahahah039. Drink -
Water040. Place to be-
anywhere there are good people041. Car-
Aston Martin042. Favorite piece of clothing-
black skirt043. Brand of clothing-
BCBG and John Varvatos...Their clothes look good on everyone044. What do you sleep with-
Bible on my bed...ususally open to psalms so when i get up i can read045. Favorite School subject-
English Literature047. Favorite Book(s)-
The French Lieutenant's Woman, collected Short stories from Hector Hugh Monroe048. Favorite Magazines -
Essence, Gourmet, Food and Wine
049. Eating -
chewing gum050. Drinking -
water051. Thinking-
A lot of different thing052. I'm about to go -
do something else053. Listening to-
Back to Life054. Dating-
no one055. Waiting For-
great things promised056. Watching-
the computer screen057. Wearing -
black top and red plaid skirt___Your Future___
058. Want Kids?
Yes059. Want to Get Married?
Yes060. Careers in Mind-
061. Relationship -
yeh062. Thing you regret-
I don't have regrets063. Thing you did-
talked to Van064. Time you were having fun-
Last night planning with Jan for the bash next week065. Place you drove-
school066. Thing you were mad about-
all you guys know the silly thing067. Vacation you went on -
New York__Which is better with the Opposite Gender__
068. Lips or Eyes? -
eyes069. Hugs or Kisses-
hugs070. Shorter or Taller-
taller071. Religious or party girl/guy-
strong personal relationship with God, but not a stick in the mud072. Romantic, Spontaneous -
Romantic073. Nice stomach or Arms -
both074. Sensitive or Loud -
both075. Hook-up or Relationship -
relationship076. Sweet or Caring -
both077. Trouble Maker or Hesitant?-
level-headed___Have you ever___
078. Kissed a Stranger -
no079. Drank bubbles -
not on purpose080. Lost glasses/contacts -
No081. Ran Away From Home -
no where would I go hahah082. Gotten a car ticket -
parking :(083. Fought with your parents -
eh084. Broken Someone's Heart-
don't think so085. Been Arrested -
no086. Turned someone down -
yes087. Cried When Someone Died -
yeh088. Cried at school -
yes___Do You Believe In___
089. Yourself -
that with God's Help I can handle anything090. Miracles -
yes091. Love at first sight-
no092. Jesus Christ-
No way to the Father except through Him093. Aliens-
no094. Magic -
yes but its not really a good thing095. Divorce -
NO but if people are treating you badly ....096. Santa Clause -
No097. Sex on the first date -
NO098. Kissing on the First Date -
not anymore!099. Angels -
yes___Answer Truthfully___
100. Is There someone You Want To be with right now-
no..well God yeh