Last weekend there was a lot of stuff going on.
On Friday I had to help with CPR training for 200 kids and I think that was when I got introduced to whatever made me ill on Sunday and the next four days.
Well on Friday night my friend invited us to a party at his church...I thought it would be a little boring but it turned

out great! The music was pop, hip hop mix and everybody was really getting down...
The DJ even took requests. J

anice went up there to make him play Ricky Martin. She said he looked at her strangely but he played it (I am not surprised). This is her making sure he downloaded it.
My friend Michelle showed up and that added some good laughs too. H

er sense of humor is something else. She is very Matter-of-fact (it is like 'whatever life goes on').
They had bands playing between the DJ sets. The first band sucked really bad, and the third ban kinda did too. The second was great!
You can tell they practice a lot! :)
The food was excellent. Theyhad those cream puff things which is my favorite dessert!
I think everybody had a great time.

Here is the band that didn't suck (lol).
We met some guy named Todd there. He grew up in the Netherlands, lived in California and moved here to help the pastor set up the church. He travels a lot an

d seemed like Mr. Popularity at the thing because flocks and flocks of women kept surrounding him for some reason. I thought it was because he was friendly, but his guy friends seemed friendly too, and none of the women were surrounding them as they talked to him. When he left the groups they would disperse!
It was interesting to watch. Anyway we talked to him and got this pic.
Then Saturday Cafe Cabernet....I think that was one of the more memorable cafe times (hahahaha).
Then Sunday, the wedding party. It was really nice except for when the bride's d

ad got ill and the ambulance had to come get him.
It was the first time

I had seen a group of people mess up the Electric Slide because the woman leading the group had the steps all wrong. Not only that, she kept shimmying too! So the steps were off and these extra weird gyrations to worry about. I love it!
Then I got ill and was laid up for 4 days. I really have to say this.
I received a call from someone when I was ill telling me to get better soon, because I hadn't updated my blog and they were really wanting to read some more stuff!
I laughed and laughed, and coughed and hacked, and laughed some more.
Hugs M